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Kedai Membaiki Komputer

Kedai Membaiki Komputer
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Friday 25 August 2017

Shhhyyy... - camana baini mo donlod (smartphone version)

mula2 skali kamu install firefox dlm smartphone kamu (itupun kalau belum ada dlm phone kamu la).. ada tu dlm playstore~


just wanna let u know, it is ok klu kamu log in fb guna firefox even ada app fb sdia dlm hp kamu.. x mganggu jg tu..

sudah install? kalau suda, sy suggest install adblock plus dlm firefox yg baru ja kamu install dlm hp kamu. cara dia senang ja..
1. open firefox (opkosla kan)
2. type 'adblock plus' sana site bar.. ataupun kalau rajin, type terus macam dalam gambar di bawah...

 click button 'agree and install' yg bertanda no.1

Click 'Allow' yang bertanda no.2

 click 'Install' yg bertanda no.3

 tadaaa.. kamu sudah berjaya install! syaaabaaaaasss!!
saya bangga dengan prestasi kamu~

 NEXT STEP.... login fb guna firefox.. masuk group Shhhyyy kita tu... pilih mana2 movie yg berkenan di hati, dan click lah tu link justpasteit tu...



selepas step ke-2 tu, kamu akan termasuk dalam openload site.....

 click tu button 'download' sebelah button 'view' tu...

kalau masih ada macam2 mengarut yg automatic keluar, kamu click tu tab yg bertanda dengan simbol rama-rama dlm gambar di atas tu...

 lepas tekan button yg kena mark dgn simbol rama-rama tu, akan muncul macam ni.. close ja semua tab (kecuali yg openload tu)... click ja 'X' yg dibulatkan tu....

 scroll down sikit, akan kelihatan button 'FREE DOWNLOAD' mcm dlm gambar... click dia! kalau masih keluar banyak pop up tab utk site yg bukan2... ulang balik step yg perlu tekan yg ada simbol rama-rama tu...

 taraaaaa... downloading !

sepa tempat kerja dia ada free wifi tu mmg untung lah.. hehe

Thursday 24 August 2017

Shhhyyy tutorial - 'cmana baini mo donlod'

Shhhyyy tutorial - 'cmana baini mo donlod'

Computer user, bagus kamu install ni addon utk mozilla firefox / google chrome >>>

dengan adanya addon adblock plus dalam internet browser (firefox/chrome etc...) kamu, akan teda pop-up browser.. nda suda keluar yg mengarut2 mcm XXX tu...

kalau kamu ada install Internet Download Manager lagi bagus.. dapat download lebih cepat..

Monday 7 December 2015

What Do Your Eyebrows Say About Your Personality See If It Matches Up!

Do you know that what is the most important part of your face?? It’s your eyebrows. Yeah. Not your eyes not your nose but those lobs of hair above your eyes.
Eyebrows are amazing as they keep dirt and sweat from falling into your eyes. They also tell a lot about your personality and facial recognition. Take away your eyebrows and you will enter a whole world of weird. This is the reason that people are so obsessed with getting waxes and threading to keep their eyebrows in correct shape. If you want to know about you personality, take a mirror and see your eyebrows. Compare them with the following pictures as they can tell a hell of a lot about your personality.

1. Tadpole

It indicates that you work hard, well maybe too hard. You want to do the things all by yourself and that’s not a good thing. You always want to start from scratch. Even if it’s not the best decision, you will still insist that it is.

2. Over Plucked

You are trying to hang on to your youth but you don’t know where to stop. Excess of anything is not good but keep trying until you get the results you want to achieve.

3. Hill

It shows that you are maybe grounded but a very lightheaded person. You have a very good head over your shoulders and you know that how to have fun and how to make the most of your life.

4. Flat line

You have a very stubborn, stern and serious personality who doesn’t take no for an answer. You have a very impeccable fashion sense and you don’t compromise on your looks, even if you are having the worst day.

5. Triangle

You try to highlight yourself in the crowd but despite your efforts, you blend in with the crowd. You may look sweet but nobody should mess with you because you are a fierce fighter and have the guts to stand up for yourself.

6. Downhill

You have a very gentle heart and you care about other people. You are popular for this habit and people come to you for advice and comfort. You worry a lot so you sometimes can be sad but that’s just because you have a big heart.

7. ‘S’ Shaped

It indicates that you are a hard person to approach. You are a very limited circle of friends, but you are very loyal and ready to do anything for your loved ones. You set new trends and are very good at making everything look good.

8. Thick

If you are in the favor of thick eyebrows, you have the wit and charm. You love to start things from the beginning and are not afraid to take life by horns.

9. Thin

Thin eyebrows usually suit a delicate face. It indicates that you have a sensitive and sweet personality and that you are full of love. It is very easy to hurt your feelings.