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Friday 5 December 2014

8 Simple Ways To Increase Blog Traffic For Free

I like writing list posts – they’re great because I can provide a lot of value, and give you guys a lot of ideas that you can work with.

BUT – they’re also very dangerous because all the tips, strategies and methods can be a bit  overwhelming, and the last thing I wanna do is make you feel like you have to do every single method at once.

One thing to keep in mind when reading list post on any blog (not just mine) is to take away 1 or 2 tips and put them to work immediately.

That’s what I do to increase blog traffic – and it works really well for me. So, on with the list!

8 Simple Ways To Increase Blog Traffic For Free..

Method #1: Guest Blogging
Guest Blogging is a great way to reach an entire new audience that other bloggers have spend months and even years building up. I still get traffic from a post I did on Laura Roeder’s Blog.

Method #2: YouTube Marketing
Video Marketing is a very good method of generating traffic because your videos will stay up there forever. (or as long as the site is running)

Videos that get popular and get a lot of views, tend to stay popular – so they will generate a steady stream of visitors to your site without fail. I recommend sticking to YouTube and mastering it since it’s the most popular video sharing site on the web.

Method #3: Commenting on Blogs
Blog Commenting is one of my favorite because I get to learn, interact and drive traffic all at once. It’s a bit time consuming but the results are amazing.

Method #4: Facebook Marketing
Facebook Pages & Groups. This is not about going to groups and posting your links all over the place (unless of course it’s a TRIBE that you’re involved in).
I recommend creating a Fan Page or a Group on Facebook that attracts your target market. That way you can add value to them by driving them back to your blog for content.

Method #5: Outbound Links
Outbound Links are great to drive traffic because of Trackbacks. Whenever you link to another person’s blog who’s using wordpress, a trackback is automatically created which tells them exactly where that link is coming from.
Other people can click on that link and come back to your blog.

Method #6: Yahoo! Answers
Yahoo! Answers Traffic. You can go to Yahoo! Answers and search for unanswered questions related to your topic or niche. You can answer the question with a link to a post where you address the actual in much more detail.

Updated: Quora is the perfect social network to do this. You can find topics you know something about and answer people’s questions. Pretty cool.

Method #7: Give Away Free Reports
Give Away Free Reports. I just uploaded 3 reports to It’s a free service that allows you to upload your PDF’s and then it’s blasted out to 19,000+ readers. I’ll share the results once they post my reports (hopefully they’ll be good).

Updated: This was a complete waste of time. At least now I know. :/

Method #8: Forum Marketing
Forum Marketing is another one of my favorites because of the immediate traffic it can generate. You also get a feel as to what your market wants and needs as you interact with members of your community.
Starting a new thread will expose your signature file to anyone reading your post. This is very targeted traffic!

Bonus Method #9: Podcasting
This is by far the best move I’ve made for my blog and business. The exposure you get from podcasting is amazing, especially if you get your podcast in the iTunes store.

On To You…

What are you doing to increase blog traffic? I’ve visited a lot of your blogs lately and there’s a lot of growth happening really quickly, so please share your experience with this community so we can all learn from it.
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